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Quickly produce reports and graphs

Visualise your data in a graph and export a template which includes the map, the chart and other information


Charts in IntraMaps work by using attributes in your data to build a graph directly from IntraMaps. You no longer have to copy the data to Excel and build a chart from there. It is a great way to quickly compare data. For example compare data over time, by responsible officer or by size.

Create a Chart


  • Using your Selection tool, select the features you would like to chart. You must select more than one feature from the same layer to create a Chart
  • Click the Chart tool in the Tools toolbar. The Chart Panel will appear in the Sidebar
  • Select the Chart Type - bar, line, pie or donut
  • If set up, you may be able to compare the data to another dataset. Tick the checkbox and select the data you would like to compare to
  • Select your colour scheme - you will be able to change this later
  • Select the number of bands - the lower the number, the larger the value range per band
  • Click Display Chart
  • You may notice there is a category named Other. The maximum number of categories that can be displayed is 10. If there are more, you will have an Other's category
  • A window with your chart will appear. You can change any of the parameters and your chart will update
  • Click Display Thematic Layer. The features you selected will be coloured according to the chart colours
  • When you are happy with your chart, choose your Template and Format and click Export

If you would like a particular layer to be available for charting or there is a template missing from the list, let you administrator know.